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       5 Day Exchange Guarantee
We stand behind all of our certified pre-owned vehicles. If you're not completely satisfied with your new ride, you can exchange it for another vehicle on our lot within 5 days or 250 miles for any reason* **.  Buy with Confidence from Blackhorse because all of our certified pre-owned vehicles go through a rigorous vehicle inspection so we can guarantee that they meet the Blackhorse Standard. A full CARFAX vehicle history report is available on every vehicle we offer. We believe in our inventory so much that we back each purchase with a 6 Month limited warranty** and this 5 day vehicle exchange guarantee* **.  If you are not satisfied for any reason,  bring it back and exchange if for another vehicle on our lot.  At Blackhorse Automotive , we hold ourselves to a high standard. Come visit our showroom or call and schedule a test drive today!
Contact Us
 Main Phone:

Showroom Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sat: 9am - 4pm
Sun: Closed

2336 US 13 South
Ahoskie, NC 27910

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